So as most things go, twitter provoked a conversation around storage (among other things) and various topics, and a few of us decided to pursue a fun and humours debate style recordings for the community. There will be some element of educational material, but expect plenty of tongue in cheek comments.

We intend to focus on a few generic ideas, and present those ideas over 5 minutes per person in 3 person teams.

The first of these debates starts this Thursday on the topic of “Host based caching is going to kill the market for all flash arrays before it really starts”.

This is not particularly my area of focus or expertise, but I do have a view on it. And even though a bunch of us work for vendors, these are not vendor aligned sessions, and by all means not meant to be sales led. This is more so just a bunch of people in the industry getting together to discuss some stuff. I would almost relate it to the same conversations we have at the pub after a drink or two when we try to solve the worlds problems from an IT perspective.

The teams for this week are:

Arguing in favour are:

Arguing against are:

Huge thanks to all the guys involved for kicking off something a bit different for the community. And importantly to Alastair Cooke who is keeping things organised. He has also covered the event here :

You can join the conversation here :

Should be a fun few weeks of debates, we’re still taking feedback on other topics to discuss. I think our futures session will be of great interest, well at least I look forward to it, as we all look at what the future holds for storage as we know it today.

